Friday, September 28, 2012

Say Anything

I started keeping a journal. We're talking pen and paper. My poor blog has been neglected, but I'm not entirely upset about it. In a few of my classes we've been talking about how our generation has grown up so different from any other generation. We're so connected to the internet and technology it's kind of ridiculous and we're losing so much of what's good about life. So, I've made a conscious effort to cut back on the technology: hence the journal. And it feels great. Anyway, the blog is a little piece of the digital world that I really enjoy, so don't worry, it's here to stay.
Today as I was walking across campus to one of my favorite classes, Writing 150, in one of my favorite buildings, the Maeser, my thoughts were interrupted by the song Friday blasting through campus. As you can imagine, I was pretty shocked. If any music was going to be blasting at BYU wouldn't it be the MoTab? Or at least Jenny Oaks Baker? I turned around and, to my surprise yet again, there was a boy holding a GIANT boombox (Say Anything style) jamming out to Friday (yeah, that song by Rebecca Black that somehow became way popular). I didn't even know what to think so I just started laughing hysterically. A girl next to me asked him if he did this every Friday and he answered that yeah, he liked to spread a little joy around campus on the weekend. Sure enough, as I looked around, everyone he passed was smiling and laughing.
And you know, good for him. If only we had more people like this kid in the world.
My goal is to be more like him.

 P.S. fall is coming and I am in love.


Megan said...

I've always wanted to keep a journal and usually have failed miserably after about a week. I think you're awesome.

Kayla said...

Thanks girl! That's usually what happens to me too but I'm determined!