Friday, November 2, 2012

All Hallow's Eve.

Halloween is quite possibly my favorite holiday. Any other time of the year I am not a fan of scary movies or anything gory whatsoever. For some reason I am all for Halloween anyway. Living in northern Utah was a dream come true for me this fall. There were so many more festive things to do than down south.. I jam packed my month with haunted houses, pumpkin carving, and scary movie watching.
Tuesday, Halloween Eve, Tay, Bri, Jordan, and I went to Frightmares at Lagoon. My cousin is in Hackenslash (the scary dancers who run around with chainsaws) there and got us $11 tickets. We were pretty pumped. We rode all of the best rollercoasters (and some less exciting ones that we still loved), went through a realllllly scary haunted house, watched Hackenslash, ate a funnel cake, and basically had the night of our lives. The whole park was decked out in Halloween decorations (you know I'm a sucker for atmosphere), there were Halloween attractions, and there were creepy people running around scaring the daylights out of us. It was right up my ally.
Halloween wasn't all that exciting since I couldn't convince my friends to go trick or treating with me and I'm not exactly a partier, but it was a good night nonetheless. I had a delicious dinner at Olive Garden with T and Jules followed by Reeses ice cream and the movie Halloween.Oh and the best part of my day was that everyone at BYU was in the Halloween spirit and sported some fantastic costumes. Seriously, so many people dressed up. It almost made up for the fact the I had to go to school until 6 p.m. on my favorite holiday.
Now it's time to break out the Christmas CDs, Oh wait I did that weeks ago..
Wish me luck in snow country!

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