Friday, November 9, 2012

Fine and Dandy.

I know the last thing ya'll want to hear about is the election. I'm sorry this is just too good to resist though. All seriousness aside, election night (minus the final results obviously) was pretty exciting at apartment 441. T and I had the brilliant idea to have a presidential election party. We went all out. We decorated and had a pretty good refreshment line up if I do say so myself--patriotic cranberry slush and American Flag brownie pizza. We also had a pretty good guest turn out. Yep, Mitt and Ann Romney, Barack Obama, and Sarah Palin. We watched real funny Youtube videos, did our best impersonations, and I even got some help with my homework, on commercial breaks of course. All in all, it was a great night, before the president was announced, and I'm proud to be an American.

 Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, and First Lady of your choice
                                                                                     Mitt and Ann Romney. Things got a little sketchy during the election.

And of course, Barack and Mitt themselves.
Dun. Dun. Dun. Dun. Time for the announcement of a lifetime: TAYLER IS GOING TO LONDON WITH ME!!! Yes, I did just write that in all caps. That's how excited I am. Except I'm actually way more excited than I could even express on my blog. I mean I was excited out of my mind to move to London before but now I get to move there with my best friend? Don't be surprised if I never come back. I seriously feel like the luckiest girl in this entire world. Less than two months people!
Yesterday I went to a conference about Mormons and the media. The keynote speaker was from Notre Dame (which holds a special place in my heart). He talked about the pros and cons of being a peculiar people. He had all kinds of statistics about religions in the U.S. They showed that Mormons do the most service, participate in the most religious activities (praying, going to church, etc), and area the most likely to consider our religion a way of life rather than a part of life. We were all feeling pretty good about ourselves when he got to the cons part. The next statistics he showed proved that most people in the U.S. feel cold toward Mormons, unless they know one personally, and that most Mormons don't have a lot of friends outside the church. How sad is that? I'm determined not to be a part of that statistic.

Now that we're all caught up, more or less anyway, let me tell you about today. Today was the day to go home! I got my car all loaded up and headed to my one and only class. When I got out of class it was snowing like crazy. I decided I would hope for the best and hit the road anyway. After about 15 miles of driving without being able to see anything in front of me I knew I'd better head home if I wanted to live. I was going to go later with Jordan but he ended up not going either because it was seriously a blizzard up here in P town. I've never seen anything like it and would have been loving life if I didn't want to get home so bad. I did homework all day instead so that was cool. Tonight, my roommates headed to the basketball game and all I wanted to do was drink some hot cocoa and watch a Christmas movie. I left the apartment and realized the second I got out the door that I forgot my keys. Yep, locked out of the apartment, roommates at the game, front office closed. I was stranded in the snowstorm. At this point I lost it and started bawling. Everyone walking into Alpine probably thought I was crazy. Thank goodness Jordan is an angel though and picked me up. While I was waiting for him, two boys came up to me and listened to my whole story (poor guys) and made me feel so much better! What sweethearts. I'm so grateful for people like that. Aren't they the best? 

Okay, the video doesn't do the snow justice whatsoever. I know it looks like it's barely snowing, but I promise it was insane snow. I just had to stop recording because yes that is me almost crashing at the end of the video. Hahah today I proved to myself just how blonde I am. More than once. But hey, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!


McCall said...

You are the cutest! London is amazing. I'm so jealous that you and Tay are going! You'll have the time of your life!!!

Unknown said...

Okay first, love the election party!! Second, you and your BF in London doesnt get better! And last, the talk of snow made me cry. Still so sad you werent here today :(