I'm pretty comfortable here at 27 Palace Court. I love saying "Let's go home" when I'm talking about the London Centre and really feeling like it's home. In fact it's a pretty good little home we have here in London town. Want to see for yourself?
Welcome to Palace Court (this is our street)
This is the entryway. See the mantle on the left? That's where they put our mail and we all check every time we come in or out. Usually the rest of the house knows when you get a package before you do and everyone is really excited to see what you got. 
This is the servery. Every other night you get the short end of the stick and eat dinner in here. It's perpetually cold and odd smelling. On the bright side, it is stocked with a never ending supply of Nutella.
This is the Parlor. We meet here for devotionals and before we go out on adventures. I quite like the Parlor.
This is the library. I've only been in here once for a secret meeting.
This is the dining room where you get to eat on the fortunate nights you're not in the servery!
This is the landing of one of the stair cases. It's a nice place to sit and read/skype/watch the Bachelor when all the other rooms are taken.
This is my favorite place to read or write in my journal.
This is our classroom that we only spend three mornings a week in. We also have firesides, Movie Nights, and study sessions in here.
This is the bathroom. It's really fun sharing a bathroom with 14 girls! :)
These are our closets and our showers, they're about the same size. We all got real close real fast here.
This is my bedroom. Don't mind the mess. There are 8 girls on my side and 6 girls on the other side of our closets. I seriously love my roommates. Our room is up approximately 5 sets of stairs. We're all going to have great legs in April!
Head up another set of stairs and you've reached the bathrooms!
There you have it, my lovely new home! Not pictured is the basement where the kitchen and laundry room are, the other girls dorm rooms, and the professors flats. I seriously could not ask for a better home this semester! I love the London Centre.
Thanks for the tour. I'm über jealous of the window seat!
Oh my that is so fun! You're living the dream in London! I love your blog & especially this great europe adventure of yours.
First, it sounds like your Valentines day was SO fun! Second, I'm so sorry you got sick. Feeling better? And third, thanks a ton for the tour of your place. I love it.
I'm seriously jealous! This place is fabulous. Can I move in??
Oh and I'm curious about the "secret" meeting!
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