- Yesterday I got my hair cut. My hairdresser was really excited that I was from America and asked if I would choose to live in America or London long term if I had the choice. I'm in love with London but would definitely choose America, but didn't tell her that because I didn't want to offend her. She was quick to tell me that most Brits would easily choose America and that even though she has never been there she knows she would. Who knew America was so popular? I wonder if she would still feel that way if she moved to a small town in Utah.
- One thing I really miss about the States is good snacks. People just don't snack here like they do in America and it's really hard to find good granola bars or crackers--or to find them at all. I crave trail mix and Cheez-It's all the time.
- I went to the biggest St. Patrick's Day celebration outside of Ireland today! There was a parade with Irish step dancers, bag pipe bands, and a 36 foot blow up dragon. It was also pouring rain which made it even more exciting.
- I saw Les Mis this week and absolutely loved it. I'm really getting used to going to shows at least once a week.
- We went to a philharmonic spectacular in the Royal Albert Hall and it was spectacular. They played famous classical songs and had a light show, indoor fireworks, and cannons. It was crazy. My favorite part was when they played their national anthem and all stood to wave flags and sing along. The soloist on stage even had a dress that folded out to become the Union Jack.
- Erin and I went to the London Eye on Wednesday! When I told the workers I was from the States one of them shouted God Bless America! The other (a little asian man) winked at me and said "How you doin?" It was even better than the ride itself.
- I drove in a car here for the first time yesterday--on the wrong side of the road. It was the weirdest thing. I would definitely be dead if I had to drive here.
- The London Zoo introduced me to my new favorite animal: The Okapi.
[London Aquarium]
[London Eye]
[An afternoon with Van Gogh is always a good afternoon]
"How you doin?" That is the funniest thing!! Love it. :) I can't believe you drove. Was that not the wierdest thing EVER??? Love the pic by the Lonodon Eye...Jealous you're going to Paris tomorrow. Love you!
loved looking at the last few posts, especially the frenchie pictures. You girls are too cute.
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