Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Cheers Britain, Howdy America

My life is a crazy, crazy thing. And it just keeps getting crazier. Isn't it terrifying/exciting how we never know what is going to come next? Life is funny that way.
Anyway, I've been putting off this post because I knew once I posted from America I would have to Americanize my blog again and I was really enjoying the British version. But I mustered up my American pride and did it, while singing Oh Brittania God Bless the USA. I may or may not have read through all of my London posts a few dozen times first.

Now here we are people, back to the good ol' American version of this little bloggy :)

I've missed out on a lot of prime blog posts because I've been too stubborn to make this change so this one is going to be a whole lot of random while I try to get back in the swing of things. 

x. My cute mama and I had the time of our lives touring Europe for a couple weeks when she came to pick me up. We ate fish and chips at a pub and saw Singing in the Rain in the West End in London, watched the Eiffel Tower sparkle in Paris, froze in an ice cave in the Swiss Alps, rode a gandola in Venice, awed at Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling in Rome, and MUCH more.

x. I turned 19 while we were adventuring!! On my birthday I saw the Leaning Tower of Pisa and made a wish in the Trevi Fountain :)

x. The weekend we got home, all of my siblings came to town for my endowment. It was honestly the most incredible experience of my life. I am so grateful for eternal families and have loved every time I've been able to go back to the temple since. It is truly the House of God.

x. I spent a week in Orem with my best friends  sisters. It was quite the reunion after being apart for 4 months--literally the longest we've been apart since the 7th grade. My mom met me after and we spent a day doing much needed missionary shopping.

x. I spent the next weekend in AZ with the Hambly's. We went to the Grand Canyon and a few other beautiful state/national parks with names that were (obviously) really hard to remember. My favorite was just outside of Sedona--it was like a natural waterslide and is now at the top of my bucket list (we only stopped by for a short time on Sunday). I got to be au pair while Meg and Ry went to the Jimmy Eat World concert. I seriously love their kids like my own.

x. A couple days later I headed back up to Provo with Pops. He had a presentation for SOLF at Aspen Grove and I rekindled my love for Provo Canyon/Sundance.

x. That weekend was the Miss St. George Pageant. I got to help the girls backstage and crown the new royalty. I have learned so much this past year on royalty and am so grateful for that opportunity! The next day was Whitney Wittwer's farewell. Whit has become one of my very best friends (we've had lots of adventures the in between days I've been home) and I will miss her so much but I can't wait to write each other on our missions (only a couple states apart!).

Like I said, my life is a crazy thing and is only getting crazier as the summer goes on.
However, amid all of this crazy I've been preparing for my mission and it has been an incredible experience. Above everything, I know Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true church restored to the Earth through Joseph Smith and oh how grateful I am for that knowledge. There is no way I could survive all of this craziness without my Father in Heaven and the knowledge that he has a plan for me. I cannot wait to share that knowledge and that love with the good people of the central United States.


 These girls have become sisters--I'm going to miss this!

 Lehi, Utah is my jam
 Aspen Grove 

This baby girl!!!! I could kiss those cheeks all day.  
 The Grand Canyon was pretty Grand
Whit and I watched the sun rise & set.. we sure love St. Georgey 

 The original 7 after my endowment

Mama and I at the Colosseum in Rome



Unknown said...

I'm seriously amazed by you every single minute of every single day. You are the most fabulous person ever!!! I'm so glad I get to call you sister. Love ya!! :)

Nick, Lynnie, & Cole said...

you are so cute girl. I love ya tons. I love love love reading your blogs posts and can't wait when they turn into missionary letters!