6:50 The alarm goes off but we push snooze so we can cuddle until 7. I LOVE cuddling but we quickly realized it's not realistic while we're sleeping so we cuddle before we go to bed and when we wake up. It's probably my favorite part of the day :)
7:00 We role out of bed and pray together. Then we say our personal prayers and Ben head's out to exercise. While he's gone I read my scriptures.
7:45 Ben comes home and hops in the shower. I leave for my run. *This morning we overlapped and I ran home behind him long boarding home from the gym but he didn't know. I felt slightly stalker-ish :)
8:15 We make breakfast together. He likes eggs and toast and meat and waffles. I like cereal. We read the scriptures together if we remember. If not, we read before bed.
**Homework/laundry/dishes/probably a little bit of Facebook**
9:30 I take Ben to school. I drop him off and tell him to have a good day and he gives me the love sign as he walks away.
9:40 Time for me to get ready. I'm always anxious to see the note Ben has left me in the shower and it always makes my day (thanks Alyssa for the bath crayons :)
10:40 I go to work! I'm a peer advisor at the college and I love it! *Ben is still working hard at school
3:00 Depending on the day we go to Marriage Prep, Devotional, or the Temple :) This is another of my favorite parts of the day.. so grateful to go to BYU-Idaho where all of these spiritual experiences are part of our day to day lives!
4:00 ish Usually we both hit a wall of tiredness at this point and lay down for 15-20 minutes. If we're still on campus, we have to walk uphill to get to our parking spot. These walks are usually pretty comical thanks to our tiredness.
5:00 We make dinner together! Yum yum. We've made it a goal to cook dinner (rather than going out) and to eat at the dinner table without TV or cell phones. I love it!
The rest of the night usually consists of dishes, doing homework, going to the grocery store, Ben playing basketball, me reading/blogging/going on a walk, and watching a movie (right now we're on a motivational kick, last week it was Pixar).
Life is so, so good. I love being married to my best friend. I love him singing to me while he gets ready and dancing with me while we make dinner. I love holding hands while we pray. I love watching YouTube videos together. I love making the bed together. Most of all, I love never saying goodbye.
"Marriage is the most trusting step in any human relationship. It's a real act of faith. The very nature of the endeavor requires that you hold on to each other as tightly as you can and JUMP."
-Jeffrey R. Holland
I'm so grateful that we chose to make this leap of faith together. I now know without a doubt that marriage is ordained of God and is part of His plan for His children. I also know that we've been extremely blessed this semester to have a pretty relaxed schedule and to have so much time together. I know that as life and schooling and growing our family goes on we will have to work even harder to maintain the patterns we are trying to set. Don't be fooled if our life sounds too "easy" or "perfect." We are very intentional about the habits and patterns we are forming and (if you've served a mission) have companionship inventories all the time. But the work is all worth it. That's what makes it all worth it and that's what makes me love Ben more each and every day.
I just want to end by expressing my gratitude for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We've been learning about cohabitation and divorce and the decreasing number of marriages in our marriage class and I'm just so grateful for the faith that we each had to move forward in God's plan and become married. God's plan definitely is a family plan!
Mrs. Martin

1 comment:
Thanks for sharing this. Sounds like life is pretty wonderful for you two right now. Happy one month. :)
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