Sunday, October 4, 2015

I'm so glad we live in a world where there are Octobers

If you know me at all you know that I love holidays. Love may actually be an understatement. I will basically find any and every reason to 1. Celebrate and 2. DECORATE. Let's just put it this way, my college roommates and I threw a presidential election party just so we could deck out our apartment in anything patriotic we could get our hands on, bake an american flag cake, and dress up like presidential candidates :) 
Also, nothing makes me happier than the fall feeling in the air! Cooler weather, prettier skies, and pumpkins on every doorstep?? Just stepping outside makes me happy! So you better believe that our Halloween decorations were up before October 1st! Unfortunately all of my fall decorations are at home in Utah and we are poor college kids so what did we do? Since not decorating was definitely not an option we went to our favorite starving student store: the Dollar store. I was actually in paradise and had to give myself a budget (yes at the dollar store) so that I wouldn't buy every thing in the Halloween section. We went to the store in Idaho Falls on our way to Boise so we had to wait all weekend to decorate! It was nice to have something to look forward to at the end of our trip though :) 
Here are the results!
Also, I'm looking for non scary Halloween movies (like Hocus Pocus). What are your favorites??

Happy Haunting!



Megan said...

Yay for decorations! I think we get our holiday love from mom :)

Megan said...

Also, I'm super impressed with your dollar store decor! We still have a few of our dollar store decorations we got when we were starving students and they make me happy every year when I pull them out :)