Sunday, November 6, 2016

a rare case of holiday aversion (aka Ellie's first Halloween)

If you know me you know I LOVE holidays. All holidays. Even some days that aren't really holidays but you can still find reason to decorate and throw a party (I may or may not have thrown a presidential election party in college, decked out my apartment in red white and blue, and dressed up like Mitt Romney.....). So, of course, last Halloween I spent tens of dollars at the dollar store and decorated every inch of our tiny apartment. It was all good and fun until I hit the 6th week of my pregnancy and became extremely sick and was stuck in that apartment (with those Halloween decorations) for the next two months because I was too sick to un-decorate. Unfortunately, this experience left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth toward Halloween. Literally-- since then whenever I've thought of Halloweentime I've felt physically ill. So for the first time in my life I went the entire month of September and even October without doing a single fall/Halloween activity or putting up a single decoration. Who am I??
Ben didn't grow up decorating for holidays so he didn't mind and Ellie, well, Ellie's 4 months old. 
However, I couldn't resist dressing up Ellie for her first Halloween and taking pictures of her!!! I would be so mad at myself down the road if I didn't. And that was about the extent of our Halloween festivities! We put Ellie in her costume Halloween morning and drove down to Frei's Fruit Market where they had the perfect photo op set-up and took some adorable pictures of our adorable little owl. I wore Halloween leggings I had won and Ben wore blue shorts and a T shirt haha. We stopped by Lin's on the way to grab a pumpkin for the pictures but they were sold out hahaha, oops! Luckily, they did have one of the tiny, decorative pumpkins left :) Ben spent the rest of the day at work and Ellie and I went about our day as usual. That night he got off work early (TM!!) and we got to eat a Jack-O-Lantern pizza from Papa Murphy's while passing out candy to the (very few!) trick or treaters at my parent's house since they were out of town. We ate the rest of the candy while watching about 15 minutes of Hocus Pocus because I'm pretty sure I've watched it every Halloween my entire life and I told Ben we had to at least watch part of it before we could go to bed. 
It was definitely a different Halloween for me. I've never been so un-festive in my life. But it was kind of nice to have a little break and recover from my traumatic Halloween season last year. Don't you worry though--we'll be back at it next year!! And our Christmas decorations may or may not be going up within the next week to make up for it ;) 

And an outtake from Ellie's pictures :) hahahah

 I almost forgot! Ben had to dress up for work :) He was a nerd :)

Passing out candy at my parent's house! 


Just for fun--Here's us last Halloween when we told my sibling's we were pregnant :)

1 comment:

Megan said...

Who are you and what have you done with Kayla?! Haha. Your Halloween sounds like it was great. I've taken a few holidays off decorating for one reason or another and it is always a little refreshing!