At 10 months, Ellie:
- Is officially crawling! She's been so close for weeks--getting up into position and rocking back and forth but then only being able to go backwards. Easter weekend we were in Las Vegas and her cousins were trying to help and she was as close as ever. Ben was convinced that she would be crawling before the weekend was over. When we got home Sunday night we were hanging out in her room before bedtime and she was playing with some toys on the floor when she spotted her sound machine. Next thing I knew she was crawling to get it!! And since then she hasn't looked back :) She's now into everything and I have definitely got my hands full keeping a close eye on her but it's so much fun to see her learn and explore! The craziest thing that has happened so far was her getting herself stuck under her crib! Luckily I was right there and got her right out.. I don't even know how she did it, pretty tricky!
- Just learned how to sit up in her crib. She still sleeps in a zipadeezip which limited her movement quite a bit until a few weeks ago when I think she finally realized she's not as restricted as she was in a swaddle. So now when she's crying in bed I'll often walk in to find her just sitting there staring at the door waiting for one of us to come in and rescue her haha. I'm just glad she hasn't figured out how to stand up in her crib yet! Thank goodness for the zipadeezip which really does restrict that. She also likes to roll all around in her crib when she's having a hard time sleeping. The other day I walked in and she was on her tummy with her legs sticking through the crib bars! Crazy girl!
- Is eating pretty much everything mom and dad eat-- or at least trying to! She didn't really show a lot of interest in table food until about 9 months but once she decided she wanted it she was all in. She'll go after anything and everything we're eating and gets mad if she can't have it. She LOVES bread in any form and treats in any form-- she's definitely my daughter! She still eats a ton of baby food and nurses regularly, too. I really don't know how she's still so tiny!
- Has just started scrunching up her nose and tilting her head to the side when she smiles and it is seriously the CUTEST. THING. EVER.
- Has one and a half teeth! She's had her front right tooth for about a month and her front left tooth is just starting to pop through her gums.
- ^^teething has not been our friend! She's had the runniest nose and has been SO congested that she can't sleep because she can't breathe :( She's ended up in our bed the past few nights so that she can be propped up on my pillow. It's been rough on all of us. Tonight we pulled out all of the stops (humidifier, saline drops, warm bath, inclined mattress) and we're praying that it helps!
- Still looooooooves to kick her legs! When she's sitting down her legs are constantly moving. She loves to kick her legs against the ground over and over and loves to kick her toys more than she likes playing with them with her hands! She gets sooo excited when she kicks something away and then we roll it back over and over-- she'll start going crazy! Haha. We're pretty sure she's going to have some soccer playing in her future.
- LOVES kids more than ever! If there's a kid within reaching distance you can bet she's trying to grab at them and play with them. She flirts with all of the boys and church and at any given point in time I can find one kid or another playing peek-a-boo or waving at her. And she just eats it up!
- Can't see a person without waving at them! And smiling, of course. She is the friendliest little thing!
- Can click her tongue and does it alllll the time
- Has eczema pretty bad :( It used to just be behind her knees but it recently spread literally all over her body! We got a steroid cream from her pediatrician that's helped a lot but we can only use so often. Poor baby!
- Is getting sassy! If she doesn't want me to put her down (like if I'm going to change her diaper or sometimes if we just walk into her room) she'll lock her legs around my waist. If she doesn't want you to hold her she'll shoo you away. Tonight we were at my parents and she was playing with my mom when I told her it was time to go and tried to take her from grandma. She gave me a mad little squeal, swatted her hands at me, and latched onto grandma! Oh boy! If I'm being honest, though, it's actually pretty cute and for the most part she is so content and happy!
- Is starting to be able to pull herself up when she's holding onto something.
- Is very expressive with her face. She likes to pucker her lips, scrunch her nose and eyebrows, pout, and so much more. I love to just watch her because even when she's playing on her own she'll show all of her expression through her face. So cute.
- Loves loves loves books! One of her very favorite things to do is to sit in front of our entertainments center, open up the cabinet door, and pull out all of her books one by one. She loves to sit and look through the books, too. She'll turn the pages on her own and is getting a lot better at sitting and listening to full stories. She'll turn her head and look at the pages as I read them and it's so sweet. She loves touch and feel books and pop up books!
We love this girl sooooooo much!!
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