I've been wanting to blog about the mom mishaps I seem to experience daily for months now but have honestly just been.... busy?.... lazy?... I just haven't, haha! But when tonight's incident occurred I knew it was too good not to share-- and the perfect reason to start these little mom diaries :) I want to remember this crazy, hard, but so much fun time of life and I just really want other moms to be able to read my mishaps and know that they're not alone! I think that's sooooooo important as mothers-- and as women in general! We need each other! So, enjoy my mom mishaps, laugh at your own, and know that I am validating you and your late night chocolate eating 100% :) Okay, off my soap box! Here's the story of the day!
Ellie's been in a weird sleep pattern the last few days (what's new? there's always something messing with their sleep, right?!) and it's been throwing her naps way out of whack. So today she only took one nap when she usually takes two and by the time bedtime rolled around she was beyond ready for it. Let's just say we all were :) I decided to forgo our nightly bath and opted for a wipe down (close enough, right?). After I took her diaper off, she stood up so she could see what the neighbor kids were doing outside her window before I could put another on. I laid her back down (not an easy task!) and as I was putting the clean diaper on I felt a few drops of... wetness... on her legs. I felt around and didn't feel any more liquid so I figured she had just tinkled a little (do babies ever pee a little??) I put her diaper on and started lathering her up (side note: her lotion smells like nothing because she has SUPER sensitive skin. What's the point of baby lotion that doesn't smell good?! Anyone know of any yummy smelling sensitive lotions?) When I sat her up and turned her around to put lotion on her back I noticed that her hair was soaking wet. Not just damp-- it looked like she just got out of the tub. I was really confused for about a half of a second until it hit me--
yes, her hair was soaked in pee!!!! Hahahaha. I didn't know if I should laugh or cry--- okay, I definitely laughed. I felt the changing pad and sure enough there was a huge puddle of pee pee that the poor babe had been laying in! I didn't notice it before because it wasn't by her little bum where it usually is when she has an accident. She had apparently peed during the quick moment she was standing up looking out the window. I guess those kiddos really excited her! Haha. And then I layed her down right into her pee *oops!.* I hurried her into the bathroom and we had our nightly bath after all :) And she ended up getting to bed much later than I hoped after all was said and done but hey, at least she was clean! If you're feeling down on yourself for anything you did (or didn't do) today, at least you didn't bathe your baby in their own pee! I'm choosing to laugh this one off :)
Next time we'll stick to the routine!
Mama Martin
Seriously, mom??
Haha, silly Miss Ellie!!!
When Reed was tiny, he crawled away mid-change, stood up at the coffee table...and pooped on the floor! Babies are kind of gross 😂😂😂
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