I'm going to start this birth story a little farther back than usual at the beginning of my third trimester of pregnancy. The Coronavirus, or COVID- 19, was just starting to ramp up and we began social distancing right as I entered the third trimester. We knew our quarantine would last at least a few weeks, but had no idea that we would actually end up living in quarantine until Izzy was born! And we are still pretty much living quarantined now to keep her safe. Crazy times.
Quarantine made the last trimester of my pregnancy seem incredibly long at some points, but it was also a blessing in disguise. We were able to spend a LOT of time as a family of four and made so many memories that I know we'll always look back on fondly. I was also able to go into full nesting mode without any other distractions since we were home all of the time and I got a ton of deep cleaning and house projects done before delivery which was really nice too!
Because of COVID I didn't have any doctor appointments from weeks 28-36 of pregnancy (2 months!) so that was a bit strange. Luckily, I had a totally healthy pregnancy and it wasn't an issue. When I did start going back for weekly appointments at 36 weeks I had to go alone, wear a face mask, and was screened for COVID symptoms each time I got to the hospital. Being pregnant during a worldwide pandemic was definitely different and a little scary at times, but I knew we were doing all that we could to keep ourselves safe and I learned to just trust and find peace in that. We're also lucky to be living in an area that hasn't been hit too bad yet.
Okay fast forwarding now to the week of my induction!
Because Ellie and Beck were such big babies and I tore so bad when delivering them we decided (with my doctors) that I would be induced at 39 weeks this time. My induction with Beck was really smooth and the end of this pregnancy was pretty rough on my body so I was thrilled with this decision. At my 38 week appointment we scheduled my induction for the following Thursday, June 4th, at 9 am. I would be 39 weeks and 1 day pregnant. On Monday that week I had to go to a drive thru COVID testing at the old hospital and honestly I was more nervous for that than for labor! I had heard horror stories about how awful the test was and I was having a lot of anxiety over it. Luckily, my mom was able to watch our kids so that Ben could take me and hold my hand. And the test ended up being nothing to have stressed so much over. It was definitely uncomfortable. They stuck a swab up my nose all the way to my brain it felt like, but it was more uncomfortable than painful so I was grateful for that! It's required that all delivering mothers at our hospital are tested for COVID and if your test comes back positive you have to be quarantined from your baby for 14 days- which was another reason I was having anxiety over it. When my test came back negative two days later I was so relieved and grateful! Next step-- baby!!
Thursday morning was here before we knew it. Ben got up, went on a run, and then finished up some orders while I got ready and got the kids breakfast. My mom came over to be with our kids and Ben and I headed to the post office to drop off the orders and then on to the hospital! Ben said a prayer in the car for us and we both were hit with a wave of emotion but felt peace and excitement about what the day held. When we got to the hospital entrance we were screened for COVID and given masks-- then we headed up to labor and delivery. L&D was moved to the new hospital in town since we had Beck and because of COVID we couldn't tour it beforehand so this was our first time there and it was so nice. Our delivery room was huge and had basically a wall of windows where we were able to look out over St. George. We met our nurse and were taken to our room where I changed into my gown and got hooked up to monitors and an IV. I really love being induced because this part is all pain free and enjoyable. Ben and I had a good chat with our nurse (who was amazing) and everything just felt so peaceful and exciting. At about 10 a.m. they started me on Pitocin and mild contractions started basically right away. They gradually increased my Pitocin for the first couple of hours and contractions became more consistent but not painful at all. Ben made a Chick-Fil-A run to get some lunch and I read and Marco Polo'd my friends. Around noon my doctor, Dr. Taylor, came in to check on us and asked if I wanted him to break my water so we could get this party started. My answer was 100% YES. He had a bit of a hard time breaking it and it was really uncomfortable but as soon as it was broken my contractions started coming harder and closer together. Ben and I tried watching HGTV for a bit but couldn't focus for obvious reasons haha. Probably my favorite part of this labor was as my contractions started to intensify I really wanted to change positions and stand up for a bit so I stood next to my hospital bed (still attached to everything) and Ben turned on some of my current favorite songs (Sunday Best and Glorious) and we just danced it out. Singing "feeling good like I should" through strong contractions was definitely ironic but the pain was still manageable and I was still on a "I'm meeting my baby today" high so it was honestly such a happy moment. Not long after that, though, the contractions started coming really close together (about 2.5 minutes) and were really intensifying so we decided it was epidural time-- I think it was about 2 pm. Our anesthesiologist was awesome and quickly got my block placed and my pain under control. Just a few minutes after he placed it I could feel the pressure of my contractions but not the pain-- which was awesome and apparently is the sign of a perfect block. I labored for about another hour-- shaking like crazy like I always do during labor-- and then the pressure started getting REALLY intense. Ben kept asking if he should go get the nurse and I kept saying I just wanted to work through a couple more contractions. At this point I think the epidural was starting to wear off and I was in a lot of pain. The contractions were back to back and the pressure was like nothing I've ever experienced. Around 3:30 Ben left to find our nurse and apparently told her "I know my wife and this baby is coming now." She came and checked me and I was at a 9 (I don't think I've added yet that I started the morning at a 3 and dilated consistently throughout the day). She pushed my epidural button for me (which didn't seem to do anything) and called in my doctor and the other nurses. At this point the pain was so intense I had Ben holding one hand, my amazing nurse holding the other, and each of them holding one side of my face. I kept saying to them "I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, what do I do??" because I was so desperate to escape the pain. The nurse kept telling me to just keep breathing. I was trying really hard to do that but at this point the contractions were right on top of each other so I was getting no break and I was having a hard time just keeping breathing! My nurse called the anesthesiologist back in and asked him to top me off because I was in a lot more pain than I should be for having an epidural in. He did but I don't think it kicked in until just after Izzy was born! My nurse checked me again and I was at a 10 so they got me into position to start pushing and I was SO relieved that it would all be over soon. I had two nurses hold my legs so that Ben could stay right by my face. For whatever reason, having him hold onto my face was really comforting me at the time. And my nurse stayed right by my side holding my other hand. I started pushing and the pain was unreal. I don't know if I just blocked it out with the other two (probably!) or if my epidural was just more worn off but I don't remember experiencing that kind of pain when pushing in the past and they were both bigger babies! Ben told me after how scary it was to see me like that. He said when I would look him in the eyes I just looked so helpless and it made him feel helpless. He was on the verge of tears most of that time but held it together for me and I'm so grateful I had him by my side. Overall, my labor was really not bad and I know it could have been so much worse but that hour was a scary time for both of us.
Anyway, back to the pushing. My nurse was having me push back to back to back and giving me no breaks in between. I would bear down as she counted to ten and then just let out a huge scream before she told me to hold my breath and we started counting again. It was intense. She kept saying "hold your breath like you're under water" so I was just picturing myself submerged in a big warm, jacuzzi and that is actually what kept me going mentally through the pushing. Luckily, I only had to push through two contractions (just over 5 minutes-- but probably the longest 5 minutes of my life!). Her head was showing after the very first push and after I pushed it and her shoulders out my doctor told me to look down at her. I did and then he said, "Ok grab her under her arms! Pull her out and put her on your belly!" I was a little in shock because I'd never helped deliver any of my babies before and I had no idea how I'd find the strength to do it but I did and it was such an incredible, sacred moment. Izzy Kay was born at 3:53 pm. I have never felt joy or relief like I did in that moment. I couldn't stop talking to her and I never wanted to let her go. I had a mild second degree tear so they let me continue to hold her while I was stitched up and I felt so at peace. I just really can't describe it! I will never forget it. When they took her to be measured we found out she weighed 8 lbs. 3 oz and was 20 inches long. A good sized baby but our smallest baby! I'm so grateful I was induced when I was. She has lots of dark hair but the nurses were all commenting that it looked a little red in the sunlight and they hoped for us that she'll have red hair like her mama-- only time will tell! She honestly looks exactly like her brother and sister to me, which is just how I pictured her, and I had an instant feeling of already knowing her when I met her.
My legs were totally numb after I delivered Izzy because my extra shot of epidural had just kicked in so we got to hang out in our delivery room for a while and just cuddle and love on Izzy. We stayed in the hospital just under 24 hours after that and it was such a special time for just the three of us. I love being in the hospital with a newborn baby.
Ben and I hadn't decided on a name before she was born, but we went to the hospital with a few main contenders-- Izzy, Etta, Lucy, or Eden. As soon as she was born we both thought Izzy and found out we were both calling her that in our minds haha. We didn't officially sign her birth certificate paperwork until the next day though. Her full name is Isabel Kay Martin and we absolutely could not love her more. She has a really sweet, calm demeanor and she has brought such a sweet spirit into our home. Ellie and Beck weren't able to come meet her in the hospital because of COVID but my parents did bring them to a hospital window where Ben was able to meet them so that they could look at her through the glass. When we brought her home the next day they were both over the moon excited. I knew Ellie would be but I wasn't sure how Beck would react. He was just as excited as Ellie, though, and it was so sweet and made my heart so happy. Ellie says at least ten times a day, "I can't believe we have a baby sister now! She's SO TUTE!!" And Beck is the first to run and grab her binky any time she makes a noise and won't let anyone else give it to her. He's been a very protective big brother since she was in my tummy. I can't wait to watch their relationships grow over the years.
One last fun little story I want to remember about Ellie. Since we hadn't decided on a name toward the end of my pregnancy Ellie decided that we should name her Butterfly and she was fully convinced that we were going to. When we texted my family from the hospital announcing her name and my mom told Ellie she was very adamant that Izzy was not her name but that it was Butterfly. For the first day home Ellie would correct me on her name any time I called her Izzy. The next day she said, "Mom my name for her is Butterfly. What's your name for her?" I told her Izzy and she responded with, "Maybe we can put our names together. Butterfly Izzy." :) Now, a week later, she mostly just calls her baby sister but will occasionally still call her Butterfly Izzy and it's adorable.
Overall, my labor, delivery, and recovery were not bad and it has been such a sweet and happy time for our family. This time around we know how quickly the newborn stage passes so we are truly loving and savoring every moment. I honestly wish we could freeze this time-- spending lots of time with grandma and grandpa, loving on Izzy all day long, the kids playing in the backyard with Ben while Izzy and I cuddle and watch. There is nothing sweeter than the spirit a newborn baby brings into your home and we're soaking it up the best that we can!
We love you so much, Butterfly Izzy!
This made me so happy :)
I love love love your writing Kayla and have missed all the blogs you wrote after Ellie was born, but I truly understand the time it takes to write all these beautiful things, so I really appreciative that you shared this with us. Love you all so much and love the example you set for me of positivity and joy. Your babies are so blessed to come to your home and I so enjoy all the pictures you are able to post. I’m sorry for all the discomfort you had to go through, you are amazing. Like you said, newborn stage goes so quickly, definitely enjoy this time, and while we don’t like this virus stuff it is a blessing for your family to bond so well. Hugs and love to you all
Kayla! Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful story! I can't wait to meet Butterfly Izzy. Ellie is one smart little girl to suggest combining your names. What a little sweetie!
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