Thursday, September 10, 2015

You do not find the happy life, you make it.

"Of this be sure: you do not find the happy life, you make it." -Thomas S. Monson

How true is this quote? 
I've always been a pretty positive, happy person and believed life can be a mostly happy experience. I would get frustrated when people would tell me that it's not realistic to be happy all, or even most, of the time and that life is just a hard thing. I don't believe that we are only supposed to experience moments of happiness during our lives. 
However, I've realized that life is in fact so good because it's hard. If it weren't for the hard times the happy times wouldn't be nearly as happy. You can't know the sweet without the bitter, right? Life isn't inherently happy with no trials or tears, but it is happy because we learn and grow from those experiences and become more like our Father in Heaven (I'm sure He's a happy person). 
So, here's my new take on life: Be happy anyway. Yes life is hard, but it's supposed to be. So when you're going through a challenge remember everything in your life that makes you happy and remember that it feels a lot better to be happy. Every day of intermediate school (6th and 7th grade) during morning announcements our principal would say: "Make it a great day or not, the choice is yours!." IT'S TRUE! We are here to act for ourselves-- to learn how to be happy in any circumstance rather than let every circumstance get us down. My choice is to live a happy life with moments of sadness that help me to more fully appreciate all of the things I have to be happy about. I know that life isn't perfect and there is no point in sitting around waiting for it to be perfect to be happy. 
"We shouldn’t wait to be happy until we reach some future point, only to discover that happiness was already available—all the time! Life is not meant to be appreciated only in retrospect. no matter our challenges or trials, there is something in each day to embrace and cherish. There is something in each day that can bring gratitude and joy if only we will see and appreciate it." 
-Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Hopefully that made a little bit of sense. I'm not sure if it did. Here's a list of things that currently make me happy:

1. MY BEST FRIEND MOVED IN AROUND THE CORNER. Could life be any better??

2. Yes, it could: We went to Yellowstone together for Labor Day!

3. Ben and I have had so much time together this summer!! We have been so blessed. We basically spend all day every day together aside from a few hours working in the evening.

4. My cold is finally going away and Ben and I have started running together in the morning! He is so fast and I am so slow. But it's okay because I make him do my arm workout with me (that I've been doing for years) and I feel better about myself :) Also it just feels really good to be active together.

5. We had the best honeymoon ever!!! That deserves a whole Blogpost of its own. Call us crazy for spending our honeymoon partly with our family, in our mission, but it was the best two weeks EVER.


7. I've started planning meals for the week before I go grocery shopping on Monday and life has become a million times better. Pinterest for the win.

8. We can rent books AND movies from the library for FREE. I know this isn't exactly a new concept but I haven't had a library card I actually used since I was a kiddo so life is just so good.

9. Our drain is unclogged!

11. Yogurt and whipped cream mixed together tastes like heaven.

12. We bought scented trash bags and our garbage doesn't smell bad anymore.

13. The nights are so cool we don't have to sleep with our AC on anymore!

14. FALL IS IN THE AIR ^^ (I smell pumpkin spice candles, cookies, and pies!!)

15. The Gospel is still true and keeps me grounded every day.
Hot Pots at Yellowstone! #rolfeyandfoxy #bennyandsethy

We've been married for 100 days!

We live within walking distance of a donut shop and all activities at Fat Cats are 99 cents in September.  I told you life is good.  

Drive-In triple feature!! Yes, we both cried during Inside Out. Last weekend we also took a spontaneous road trip to Ogden where we got to go to the BEAUTIFUL new Ogden temple!

life is good and happy because I choose for it to be.

1 comment:

Megan said...

You are the cutest! I'm glad you guys are choosing happy. Love you!