Friday, September 7, 2012

Making Sense

I've been trying to figure out what to say in this post. I really want to convey how purely content I am, but I can't seem to put it into words.
This morning I was reading my Humanities book and it was talking about this exact thing. It talked about how hard it is for us to write about art because it's so emotional. "It's not easy to make sense of sense experience." That is so true. Ask anyone who has ever tried to write a love letter. I also read about freewriting: not thinking about what you write, just writing whatever comes out because we edit ourselves way too much and get rid of the good stuff.
So, here I go in somewhat of an attempt at a free write, but I'll try to make a little sense. That's your warning; you can stop reading now if you want.
I am perfectly content and I just don't know how else to say it. I love every single part of my life. College is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Seriously, I feel like I'm smiling 24/7 because I have so much to be grateful for and really, what's not to smile about?
I love my classes. I love love love learning. How lucky are we that we get to take everything that we learn with us after we die?
I love being on campus. I love that this morning as I was walking to class the conversations I heard all around me were literally about scripture study, temple marriage, elders quorum, and missionaries. I love that. I love that we start class with a prayer and we talk about church in class like the most natural thing in the world. Why wouldn't church and school go together? I love finding new spots on campus to study and people watch. I love that everyone is happy and friendly and I never hear anyone swear.
I'm starting to make friends around campus! Hooray. It's so exciting when you're walking through a sea of a million students and hear someone call out your name. This morning it happened three times and I only had 1 class! Riley, the lacross player from my ward; Chris, nice guy from the Paul Ryan convention; and Megan Chalmers, fellow Warrior. I was pleasantly surprised every time. I also went to lunch with my LSH friend Bethany today. The Blue Line is top notch, I highly recommend it. Bethany is the nicest girl you'll ever meet. I think we're going to be great friends.

I know this post probably didn't make a whole lot of sense or seem significant in any way, but I had to try to put down in words how much I seriously love my life so that when I'm writing a huge paper or studying for an exam and want to die I'll remember that I really do love this whole college thing.
One more thing I love, a good rainstorm followed by a rainbow. It just doesn't get much better. This was yesterday and I almost didn't post these pictures because they don't even do justice to how beautful it was in real life. My jaw dropped open. Enjoy anyway!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

All I can say is I LOVE YOU!!! And everytime I read your blog it reminds me of my college days. In fact, the other day I pulled out college pics and start rummaging through them reminiscing. So fun!!! P.S. I love to see what I come up with when I free write. So much fun...