Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fancy a Bikkie?

Today was the first day of my prep class for London. I could not be more excited.
We started off with an orientation which consisted of learning English phrases like "Fancy a bikkie?" (want a cookie?) and "Feeling pekking?" (are you hungry?). We all answered yes, of course, and our professors obliged with real life English cookies. I'm addicted already--not good.
Next was a powerpoint complete with music by none other than the Beatles, pictures of where we'll be living, our neighbors--the Royal family, and sites we'll be seeing. By this point I was downright giddy. We did the typical get to know you and talked about personalities. I love everyone already.
77 days until we live in London, England in the beautiful BYU London Centre (pictured below).

 In other news, Jordan and I went to the play Sleepy Hollow after my class. It was meant for kids but I loved every minute. There were only four characters and it was a round theater so the audience was involved the whole time--how fun is that? Jordan was even a good sport and played the role of Katrina's suitor who gave her her favorite flower. I love Halloween and everything involved and this was right up my ally.

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