Monday, February 4, 2013

Cheers from the road

I finally got my computer back and it works, Hallelujah!!
I don't even know where to start so I'm just going to go with a picture overload.
 We went on a road trip last week to Oxford University and saw the Great Hall where Harry Potter was recorded! It was magical.

 We went to Stratford Upon Avon, Shakespeare's hometown. We went to all the houses he lived in (his wife's house is below, it reminded me of Snow White's house) and the church where his grave is (above). We also went to two plays in Stratford, a real good chocolate shop, and my personal favorite, a pub called the Dirty Duck. I love our road trips because we get to stay in hotels which means we only have to share a room with one other girl (instead of 14), we get our own bathrooms (!!!), we get to watch TV, and we get to sleep in and have continental breakfast. It's the life.

 On our last day we went to Warwick Castle^^ it was gorgeous! The pictures don't even do it justice.

 This is Erin. If you haven't noticed yet from her being in all of my pictures, I kind of love her.

 One of my favorite things at the castle was all of the peacocks. I may or may not have had a photoshoot with them.

Another reason I love our roadtrips is seeing the Countryside. It is seriously so beautiful.
With love from London,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love love love all the pics!!! Now that the comp is back, will you keep them coming ppplllleeeaassseee????? LOL...sorry but the pics are all just so amazing and so beautiful. I'm having fun seeing and hearing about all the great things you're doing. Love ya babe!