Tuesday, May 24, 2016

bumpdate: week 36

 Size of baby: A melon, a papaya, a head of lettuce. Every app says something different these days haha. She is big :)

Movement: Since we all know she's still moving, I'm going to change this section to an update on her progress toward being born. I'm having Braxton Hicks contractions pretty much every day. At my 36 week appointment I was starting to thin but not dilated at all yet. And she is in position (head down) which I am SO happy about! So things are moving along :)

Looking forward to: Sleeping without a basketball in my shirt! I know, I know, I'm not going to get much sleep when she is here. I'm just grateful that the sleep I do get will (hopefully) be a little more restful. If it's not going to be, please don't burst my bubble haha just let me have this nice thought to get me through the last few weeks of sleeping as a really big pregnant lady ;) I'm at the point where I dread bedtime because I know I'm going to toss and turn all night (which is not easy at this point haha), wake up multiple times, and feel more sore/less rested when I wake up in the morning. But it's totally worth it! And I'm SO blessed to have such a laid back schedule right now so that I can rest during the day when needed .. and that is often :)

Random: Ben went out of town last weekend for state track. The day that he left and the day after, baby girl was not her usual wiggly self. I still felt her move so I wasn't too worried but she wasn't as active as she usually is and didn't have her usual "playtime" (theres usually one point during the day, typically after dinner, where she just goes crazy and moves non stop haha). By Friday night I was getting a little worried and had the thought that she just misses her daddy. That night when Ben and I talked on the phone we ended up being on speaker for a little bit. As soon as she heard his voice, she started wiggling like crazy! She squirmed and moved for the rest of our conversation. It was so precious and melted my mommy heart. She really did miss her daddy! I can't wait to see the special bond these two have when she is born. 

Also while Ben was gone, I distracted myself by organizing our room and the nursery. It's not finished but I made a lot of progress and I'm pretty excited about it. It was kind of a mess before (she has a lot of stuff) and now I feel much more prepared for her to come :) I can't wait to share it with you when it's all finished! I may or may not walk into her room throughout the day for no reason other than appreciating how adorable it is and imagining her in it :)

One more random.. my belly button is popping out :) I always thought that was a funny symptom (?) of pregnancy :)

Best moment of the week:We went to our last childbirth education class! It was an all day affair and neither of us were exactly thrilled about it but I dragged us there anyway because I felt like it was important to go. Boy are we grateful we went!! It was actually really interesting and enlightening and we BOTH agreed that it was well worth it! I think it's safe to say we were both pretty nervous about labor and delivery before we took this class and after the class we felt nothing but excitement! Being more informed completely put our nerves at ease which is a huge blessing and I think (I hope) will make for a lot less stressful delivery. The best part of the class was getting a tour of the labor and delivery section of our hospital! We walked through from the entrance we will come in, to the room I'll give birth in, to the nursery and room we'll stay in for the rest of the time we are there. This made everything feel 100 times more real and really got us excited!!

We CAN'T WAIT to meet our little girlfriend. She's literally pretty much all we ever talk about anymore. Also, she is still nameless so if you have any suggestions you are more than welcome to share :) 

p.s. here are pictures from week 35 because I didn't make a post :)

 This is what you get when you're taking bump pictures but you're really pregnant and you feel like your face is getting chubby ;)

How crazy is this?? Week 35 and week 15 :)


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