Thursday, September 29, 2016

Ellie Grace {3 Months}

Our Ellie girl is a fourth of a year old!! I can't even believe it. She is officially out of the newborn stage and develops more personality every day. She is so fun! At 3 months Ellie:

  • has found her voice! She talks to us allllllll day long and we LOVE it. She also loves to squeal. I die :)
  • has also found her laugh! But she only lets us hear it every once in a while--even though we try realllly hard to get her to let us hear it more ;)
  • ^^(when she does laugh) daddy gets her to laugh. And mommy gets her to sleep :)
  • is so smiley! She may be sparing with her laughs but she's not with her smiles! Ellie will smile at just about anyone who will smile at her and its heart-melting.
  • does not like to be held "like a baby." This girl wants to be up all the time so she can look around and see what's going on!
  • ^^is very alert and attentive. She always has her head up-- no matter how you're holding her-- and is trying to look around. She loves to interact with people and her environment :)
  • is a tummy time champ. She can hold her head up really well when she's on her tummy and she also likes to hold her legs up when she's on her tummy! It's actually really impressive--Ben and I have tried and definitely don't have the core strength hahahah
  • can roll from her tummy to her back (when she wants to haha) and her back to her side!
  • LOVES to suck on anything and everything! She especially loves her hands. They are constantly in her mouth! But if she can get a hold of anything (blankies, toys, my shirt, my hair...) it goes straight to her mouth!
  • Is starting to find her feet! They're constantly up in the air when she's on her back and she's started grabbing at them the last couple days. I think it's adorable and I'm sure she'll start sucking on them too once she realizes she can get them to her mouth ;)
  • Makes a noise after every sneeze. This probably sounds weird hahaha but it's so cute. She'll sneeze and then make a little baby noise and Ben and I die.
  • her eyes are getting more green and her hair is light-ish brown. We unfortunately didn't have a dr. appointment this month so I don't know how tall she is or how much she weighs but she seems to be growing every day!!
  • wears size 1 diapers and size 3 month clothes
  • is learning how to sit in her bumbo! She only likes it for short periods of time but we're getting there :)
  • loves to kick her legs! Whether she's on her changing table, in her carseat, or just laying on your lap--her legs are going non-stop. Ben's convinced she's going to be an all-star swimmer ;)
  • Loves the TV haha. Don't worry we don't actually let her watch it but whenever she catches a glimpse of it she is so fascinated and can't take her eyes off of it and I think it's kind of hilarious. If I'm feeding her and the TV is on she'll keep unlatching so she can crane her head to see the TV. She is so torn between eating and trying to look at the screen hahah.
  • Likes to talk to herself in the mirror. Once again--cutest thing ever. If you can't tell, I think everything she does is the cutest thing ever ;)
  • is getting better at being in her carseat! She's good on most car rides and will even let us push her in the stroller! These are big steps for her :)
  • Still eats for... ever. Haha. But it's just kind of what we do now so it will be weird if we ever don't spend a 3rd of our day nursing ;)
  • survived her first move!! We're still working on her nursery but it's okay because I really like her sleeping at the end of our bed--I feel much less paranoid :) Even though I still wake up to every little peep and check to make sure she's alive and well!
  • is the sweetest little peanut and has us completely wrapped around her tiny fingers!!!! 
We love this girl SO MUCH. Seriously, our love multiplies daily. She is our greatest blessing :)

1 comment:

Megan said...

She's so cute! I love her giant smiles!