Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Ellie Grace {4 Months}

Ellie is a third of a year old--WHAT?! We love her more and more every day!
At four months, Ellie:

  • Weighs 12.25 lbs and is 24.5 inches long. She's long and skinny!
  • Wears size 3 month clothes (Carters brand is 3 months but I think it's the same as 0-3) and size 1 diapers
  • Has dark blue/green eyes and light brown hair (she's becoming more of Ben's look alike every day!)
  • Has rolled from her tummy to back and back to tummy but will only do it when she wants to!
  • Still loves to talk and squeal! She likes to have conversations with us and when she gets really excited her and I will have screaming matches (happy ones! :) ) 
  • Has started burrowing her head between my arm and body when I'm rocking her/cuddling her to get her to sleep 
  • Is soooo smiley! We get stopped in the store all the time and everyone always comments how happy and smiley she is. She is such a ray of light!
  • Naps in her crib (yay!) but still sleeps in our room. A study just came out that shows that your baby should sleep in your room until they're at least 6 months old to help prevent SIDS so I no longer feel a rush to transition her to her crib just yet and I'm perfectly happy about it :)
  • Likes to be read to and sung to before nap time and can't sleep without her sound machine
  • Still loves to suck on her hands! She's discovered her feet and now they end up in her mouth sometimes too!
  • ^^Her feet are constantly in the air! Unless she's kicking her legs, which she also still loves to do :)
  • Likes going on walks (in her stroller!!!!) 
  • Sneezes every time we step outside--usually multiple times
  • Is getting really good at grabbing! If you put a toy, your hand, or really anything in front of her she'll grab at it and usually gets it. She has a pretty strong grip too! 
  • Her favorite toy (and one of her favorite things to grab) is her elephant that sings and lights up. If it's sitting next to her she can pick it up on her own! If we put it in the car seat with her she'll push the buttons with her feet and be entertained for most of our drives-- which is a very welcome change! ;)
  • Holds onto her changing table with both hands while I'm changing her and likes to hold onto her carseat too!
  • Can sit up and stand if you're holding her hands and helping her up and is doing great in her bumbo. 
  • I think she's going to be a lefty like her dad! I know left handedness isn't genetic but she seems to favor her left a little bit. She grabs things with it more and sometimes just holds it in front of her face and stares at it hahaha so I think she likes it best :)
  • Is big enough to sit in the baby swing at the park! We took her to her first playground with her cousins and she had a ball! We'll definitely be taking many more trips to the park in the future :)
  • Loves kids and babies!! She will give them smiles no matter how tired or hungry she is and whether they're paying any attention to her or not :)
  • If someone's holding her and someone else starts talking to her she'll hide her face in the shoulder of whoever is holding her and act shy then peek back out and give a heart melting smile :)
  • Her favorite noises to make are guh and muh but when she's getting fussy she'll say MUM perfectly clear! I know she's not calling for me but it TOTALLY sounds like it and it melts my heart a little bit every time!!

At her check up today! She's very healthy and was a champ with her shots! Her Dr. said he felt bad he was going to give her shots when she was having such a good day (Ben and I were thinking--this is how she is every day! :) )

Ellie's first trip to the playground! :)
She got to ride a train and swing in the baby swing!

We love our 4 month old girl!!

Mama Martin

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