Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Ellie Grace {8 Months}

I'm pretty sure I just blogged about Ellie at 7 months like yesterday but here we are again! Ellie girl is 8 months old!

At 8 months, Ellie:

  • Just learned how to wave and now waves at every person she sees! We've been going to the Parade of Homes this week and Ellie has stolen the show. Her little wave combined with her little smile is melting hearts left and right :) Every time I turn I see someone waving at her haha
  • Still loves her binky! She likes to play with her binky and if she's not chewing on it she's turning it upside down. If there is a binky within reaching distance of her it will be in her mouth within seconds of her spotting it. Sometimes I'll turn away from her and when I turn back around she has a binky in her mouth when I didn't even know there was one around haha
  • Loves books! Her current favorite is Baby Animals. It's a touch and feel book and she loves to feel the soft and textured spots. Her favorites are the animals with long hair because she can grab them with her thumb and pointer finger. She can spot the textured spot as soon as we turn the page and we spend quite a bit of time on each page so she can examine it :) She's also started turning the pages with some of her board books!
  • Is a chatterbox! She's constantly babbling and it's usually a combination of da-da and blowing raspberries these days :)
  • Doesn't think she can nurse without holding my phone. And so it begins! 
  • Is getting closer to crawling! She likes to lean forward on her hands when she's sitting and put her bum in the air. Then she'll rock back and forth until she falls over.
  • Loves to look at herself in the mirror! She has a mirror on her playmat and whenever she catches a glimpse of herself in it she'll get so excited and pull it right up against her face :)
  • Still loves her baby food and will eat as much of it as we'll give her. She's also tried yogurt bites and crackers and will try to grab any food she sees us eating.
  • For not crawling yet, she sure seems like she is still all over the place! She likes to (try and) nose dive off the couch, crawl up you when you're trying to hold her or straighten her legs so she's pushing off of you, roll around when you're trying to change her diaper, and grab at anything in her sight! 
  • Is still just such a happy and sweet girl! We can't go anywhere without getting stopped at least once by someone telling us how darling she is or what a sweet spirit she has. And it's true! She is a joy to be around and she brightens the lives of everyone around her. We're so grateful for our tiny girl! 

She still can't get enough of her tongue!

She will eat anything and everything she can get her hands (or mouth) on 

This face hahaha no lack of personality here!

1 comment:

Megan said...

I sure love that sweet girl!