Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Call

Last Monday we left for a week in Paris. As excited as I was to fulfill my lifelong dream of going to Paris there was one catch--my mission call would (probably) be arriving in London that week. Paris was definitely a good distraction from waiting for my call but let's be honest, I was ready to get back to London on Saturday. The train ride from Paris to London was probably one of the longest experiences of my life. When we finally got to London I was calm and collected and leisurely made my way home a ball of nerves and literally ran  like a crazy person through the train station, to the underground, through my tube connections and stops, to Palace Court (the street I live on). It was actually probably quite the sight considering I was hauling all my luggage from Paris. Everyone in my group was so sweet and I honestly think some of them were just as excited as I was but I had lost all of them by this point thanks to my mad dash. I realized what a wreck I was and slowed my run to a brisk walk down Palace Court so I could attempt to collect myself and say a very heartfelt prayer. The moment of truth. I walked through the door with my gaze glued to the mail mantle and there it was. A white envelope with my name on it and the Church's in the corner in German. Wait what? My call had to go through the Europe area presidency to get to me in the U.K. Anway, I screamed, grabbed the nearest girl and hugged her so tight she probably couldn't breathe, and started bawling. I called my parents, hugged/cried with everyone as they got to the Centre, and the time was set for 30 minutes later. After taking videos and pictures, having a mission call photo shoot with Mark, setting up a Google Hangout with my whole family, gathering everyone in the parlor, and going through every possible emotion, it was time.
Dear Sister Rolfe: You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Ohio Cincinnati Mission.
Screaming. Crying. Trying to figure out what language I'm speaking (English thank goodness). Hugging. Crying. Pictures.
This is all pretty much a blur. All I remember is feeling the spirit so strong and knowing this is the perfect mission for me and feeling so dumb for saying the church's name wrong (even though I found out I actually didn't when I watched the video).
I am so grateful I was able to open my call surrounded by so many people I love. My study abroad group is seriously my family and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way than to have them all by my side. We had just gotten home from a long day of traveling and everyone postponed eating, unpacking, everything they had going on to share this with me. I am so grateful for every single one of them and love them so much. Thanks to Hayley and Erin my family was all also able to be there via Google Hangout. They also sacrificed time off work and other things to be there with me and I can't even describe how much that meant to me. I am so blessed and was so overcome with love.
A couple fun facts.
-After actually going through the papers they sent me I found out that my mission covers Indiana and Kentucky! I told my Mom a few weeks ago that where I wanted to go was somewhere no one wants to go but I wouldn't tell anyone where that was for fear of jinxing myself. Guess where that was? Small Town USA. Yep, exactly where I'm going. Prayers are answered people! Even though I have absolutely loved living in the UK it has made me realize how much I Love (with a capital L) America. I have been getting so nervous to be called to another country and so anxious to get home to the good ol' U S of A. I also hate big cities. I am a small town American girl through and through. Seriously guys, this mission is perfect for me.
-Cincinnati used to be a mission but was closed. It's being reopened July 1st so I'll be the first new group to serve there!
-When my Mom and I were staying with my Dad at Notre Dame this summer we took a little road trip down to Cincinnati and literally drove through most of my mission. I told my mom how bad I wanted to live there.

I cannot wait to serve the people of Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky. I think these pictures express how I was feeling pretty well!
[In Cincinnati this summer]


Janet said...


I'm sooo excited for you! You're going to be a part of such a wonderful work. You glow with the light of the gospel, and people are going to want to know what you know and find out what it is that makes you so happy. You're adorable, and I love you. Best wishes as you prepare for your mission. We're going to miss you!


Nick, Lynnie, & Cole said...

Did you really tell mom you wanted to live there? That is SO awesome! I seriously cannot believe how perfect this mission is for you. Well, I can because the Lord works in wonderful ways, but anyway, it's just great. love you girl

Unknown said...

Okay I'm bawling again as I'm reading this! When did you grow up and become so amazing!? I know I call you my baby sister all the time, but you are no baby. You're amazing and such an example to me. I love you so much! I'm so proud of you! I'm so excited for you!! LOVE YA GIRLIE!!

Unknown said...

Oh and I LOVE LOVE LOVE all of these pics!!!